Finaly the bar end mirror is complete. Custom made for the bike. I had a lot of trouble finding a design that did not add to the width of the bike. With triumph grips, measuring 16 centimeters, there is no need for a mirror that hangs outside the bike. It is easy to move the hand on the grip in order to get full view of the world behind you. The connection to the clipon is two metal tubes with a diagonal ends. The inner tube and the rod to the mirror is threaded. When the mirror rod is turned around the clip on the metal tubes presses together and expand.

Trying to mount my camera on the bike - but the movies gets blur. The positive thing is that the valves finaly seals perfect to the seats. Compression is now over 150 psi. And I have 200km to go before the engine is tuned in perfectly. The vibrations is there, and the roar is comming back. And the rear view mirror spinns like a propeller when I hit 90 km/h:) Need to tighten some screws even more...